In long document controllable summarization, where labeled data is scarce, pretrained models struggle to adapt to the task and effectively respond to user queries. In this paper, we introduce Socratic pretraining, a question-driven, unsupervised pretraining objective specifically designed to improve controllability in summarization tasks. By training a model to generate and answer relevant questions in a given context, Socratic pretraining enables the model to more effectively adhere to user-provided queries and identify relevant content to be summarized. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through extensive experimentation on two summarization domains, short stories and dialogue, and multiple control strategies: keywords, questions, and factoid QA pairs. Our pretraining method relies only on unlabeled documents and a question generation system and outperforms pre-finetuning approaches that use additional supervised data. Furthermore, our results show that Socratic pretraining cuts task-specific labeled data requirements in half, is more faithful to user-provided queries, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on QMSum and SQuALITY.
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以查询为中心的摘要(QFS)旨在产生应答感兴趣的特定问题的摘要,从而实现更大的用户控制和个性化。虽然最近发布的数据集如QMSUM或Aquamuse,促进QFS中的研究工作,但该领域缺乏对适用建模方法的广泛空间的全面研究。在本文中,考虑到两种普遍的方法,我们对QFS进行了系统探索,探讨了QFS:两阶段的采掘解决方案和端到端模型。在这些类别中,我们调查现有方法,并呈现了在QMSUM数据集上实现最先进的性能的两个模型扩展,其边缘高达3.38 Rouge-1,3.72 Rouge-2和3.28 Rouge-L。通过定量实验,我们突出了不同模型配置之间的权衡,并探讨了摘要任务之间的转移能力。代码和检查点公开可用:。
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现有的抽象摘要模型缺乏明确的控制机制,允许用户影响模型输出的风格特征。这导致生成不迎合用户需求或偏好的通用摘要。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了Hydrasum,这是一种新的摘要架构,其扩展了当前模型的单个解码器框架,例如, BART,到专家的混合版本,包括多个解码器。我们拟议的模型鼓励每个专家,即解码器,沿着尺寸学习和生成风格不同的摘要,例如抽象,长度,特异性等。在每个时间步骤中,Hydrasum采用一个门控机制,该机构决定每个单独解码器对下一个令牌的输出概率分布的贡献。通过对三个摘要数据集的实验(CNN,新闻编辑室,XSUM),我们证明了这种门控机制自动学习在标准培训目标下将对比摘要样式分配给不同的水路解码器,而无需额外监督。我们进一步表明,培训过程的指导版本可以明确地管理哪些摘要样式在解码器之间分区,例如,高抽象力与低吸引力或高特异性与低特异性,并且还增加各个解码器之间的致命差异。最后,我们的实验表明,我们的解码器框架非常灵活:在推理期间,我们可以从单独的解码器或解码器的不同子集的混合物中进行采样,以产生多种摘要,并强制对摘要生成的单一和多样式控制。
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The majority of available text summarization datasets include short-form source documents that lack long-range causal and temporal dependencies, and often contain strong layout and stylistic biases. While relevant, such datasets will offer limited challenges for future generations of text summarization systems. We address these issues by introducing BookSum, a collection of datasets for long-form narrative summarization. Our dataset covers source documents from the literature domain, such as novels, plays and stories, and includes highly abstractive, human written summaries on three levels of granularity of increasing difficulty: paragraph-, chapter-, and book-level. The domain and structure of our dataset poses a unique set of challenges for summarization systems, which include: processing very long documents, non-trivial causal and temporal dependencies, and rich discourse structures. To facilitate future work, we trained and evaluated multiple extractive and abstractive summarization models as baselines for our dataset.
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Practitioners use Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) in different problems for about sixty years. Besides, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) are an alternative to HMMs and appear in the literature as different and somewhat concurrent models. We propose two contributions. First, we show that basic Linear-Chain CRFs (LC-CRFs), considered as different from the HMMs, are in fact equivalent to them in the sense that for each LC-CRF there exists a HMM - that we specify - whom posterior distribution is identical to the given LC-CRF. Second, we show that it is possible to reformulate the generative Bayesian classifiers Maximum Posterior Mode (MPM) and Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) used in HMMs, as discriminative ones. The last point is of importance in many fields, especially in Natural Language Processing (NLP), as it shows that in some situations dropping HMMs in favor of CRFs was not necessary.
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After just a few hundred training updates, a standard probabilistic model for language generation has likely not yet learnt many semantic or syntactic rules of natural language, which inherently makes it difficult to estimate the right probability distribution over next tokens. Yet around this point, these models have identified a simple, loss-minimising behaviour: to output the unigram distribution of the target training corpus. The use of such a crude heuristic raises the question: Rather than wasting precious compute resources and model capacity for learning this strategy at early training stages, can we initialise our models with this behaviour? Here, we show that we can effectively endow our model with a separate module that reflects unigram frequency statistics as prior knowledge. Standard neural language generation architectures offer a natural opportunity for implementing this idea: by initialising the bias term in a model's final linear layer with the log-unigram distribution. Experiments in neural machine translation demonstrate that this simple technique: (i) improves learning efficiency; (ii) achieves better overall performance; and (iii) appears to disentangle strong frequency effects, encouraging the model to specialise in non-frequency-related aspects of language.
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Explainable AI (XAI) is slowly becoming a key component for many AI applications. Rule-based and modified backpropagation XAI approaches however often face challenges when being applied to modern model architectures including innovative layer building blocks, which is caused by two reasons. Firstly, the high flexibility of rule-based XAI methods leads to numerous potential parameterizations. Secondly, many XAI methods break the implementation-invariance axiom because they struggle with certain model components, e.g., BatchNorm layers. The latter can be addressed with model canonization, which is the process of re-structuring the model to disregard problematic components without changing the underlying function. While model canonization is straightforward for simple architectures (e.g., VGG, ResNet), it can be challenging for more complex and highly interconnected models (e.g., DenseNet). Moreover, there is only little quantifiable evidence that model canonization is beneficial for XAI. In this work, we propose canonizations for currently relevant model blocks applicable to popular deep neural network architectures,including VGG, ResNet, EfficientNet, DenseNets, as well as Relation Networks. We further suggest a XAI evaluation framework with which we quantify and compare the effect sof model canonization for various XAI methods in image classification tasks on the Pascal-VOC and ILSVRC2017 datasets, as well as for Visual Question Answering using CLEVR-XAI. Moreover, addressing the former issue outlined above, we demonstrate how our evaluation framework can be applied to perform hyperparameter search for XAI methods to optimize the quality of explanations.
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The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has put healthcare systems worldwide to their limits, resulting in increased waiting time for diagnosis and required medical assistance. With chest radiographs (CXR) being one of the most common COVID-19 diagnosis methods, many artificial intelligence tools for image-based COVID-19 detection have been developed, often trained on a small number of images from COVID-19-positive patients. Thus, the need for high-quality and well-annotated CXR image databases increased. This paper introduces POLCOVID dataset, containing chest X-ray (CXR) images of patients with COVID-19 or other-type pneumonia, and healthy individuals gathered from 15 Polish hospitals. The original radiographs are accompanied by the preprocessed images limited to the lung area and the corresponding lung masks obtained with the segmentation model. Moreover, the manually created lung masks are provided for a part of POLCOVID dataset and the other four publicly available CXR image collections. POLCOVID dataset can help in pneumonia or COVID-19 diagnosis, while the set of matched images and lung masks may serve for the development of lung segmentation solutions.
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This paper introduces the shared task of summarizing documents in several creative domains, namely literary texts, movie scripts, and television scripts. Summarizing these creative documents requires making complex literary interpretations, as well as understanding non-trivial temporal dependencies in texts containing varied styles of plot development and narrative structure. This poses unique challenges and is yet underexplored for text summarization systems. In this shared task, we introduce four sub-tasks and their corresponding datasets, focusing on summarizing books, movie scripts, primetime television scripts, and daytime soap opera scripts. We detail the process of curating these datasets for the task, as well as the metrics used for the evaluation of the submissions. As part of the CREATIVESUMM workshop at COLING 2022, the shared task attracted 18 submissions in total. We discuss the submissions and the baselines for each sub-task in this paper, along with directions for facilitating future work in the field.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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